We Offer Different Services
for helped you
We always ready for
a challenge.
We believe we can make a difference to this world, to this very earth on which we live.We have been destroying the forests for whatever reasons for many years.
1035 +
Successful projects
We have been destroying the forests for many years.
2034 +
Unique designs
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.

Elena Musat
Marketing & Comunicare
Daniela Stoica
Asistent manager
Cristina David
Director Tehnic
Munteanu Titi
Lupu Grigore
Got an Incredible Project Right Now?
This helps ensure quality, schedule and that we’re all working toward same goal
300 +
Successful Projects
Customers About Our
Solar Panels
Mulţumim MABEC pentru excelenta comunicare cu care ne-a obişnuit, pentru flexibilitate, permanenta adaptabilitate la nevoile noastre specifice de dezvoltare.

Dana Iliescu
MANAGERRecomand cu cea mai mare căldură serviciile Mabec tuturor celor care își doresc o casa cu un sistem fotovoltaic pus la punct si fara probleme.

Mihai Marin
MANAGERSuntem foarte multumiţi de colaborarea noastră cu MABEC şi acest lucru a stat la baza deciziei de a lucra cu aceasta companie in ultimii 4 ani.